Adeline was fed and semi-clean, which truly is more than I could have asked for.
When I woke up, we all hung out together, we watched some tv, played games, and just watched in wonder as Adeline did what Adeline does (which is pretty much everything & anything).
It's so awesome to be apart of her life. I know every mother thinks their children are the smartest and most amazing creatures on the earth - and it's true. To see your child not be able to do something one day, then the next master it and move on... it's just an amazing responsibility.

We met up with our KeyGroup friends from church. Who are not just 'church friends', but who are true awesome friends. We went to MTSU's campus to watch the fireworks.
This is Element 26's third annual 4th of July get together. Our family's second year attending.

James wore himself out, running the kids around in the wagon. This is him after he conked out for a bit on the blanket before the fireworks began.
He's a pretty good sport for allowing me to post pictures like this. You can see that Adeline made her daddy pretty and put her bow in his hair.

April & her husband, Brandon, are in the process of being approved for adoption right now. And I for one cannot wait until they have their own children. It's awesome to watch them with Adeline & all the other kiddies.
The show started at 9pm, and we all just sat in awe of the fireworks. Adeline really enjoyed them this year, which is great, since I was worried she'd be scared of the noise.
In other news...
Adeline is asleep in her big girl bed right now. I think this may be an easy transition for her. We shall see.
We painted one and one half walls yesterday during nap time. Another reason why my husband rocks. I started painting, and realized that I'm not very good at it. Trim work- I'm great at. Regular old painting, not so much.
Hopefully by the weekend, we'll have her bedroom finished painting and I can start working on moving her things in.
Our Sunday school class is throwing us a baby shower on Saturday. I cannot wait to see what Ms. April has made for the baby!
Lots of pictures & more fun things to come.
1 comment:
I am famous twice on this blog..he he! We had fun didn't we. I feel the same way about the "not just church friends part" It is so great to have the community that we do. I want to make a post about it on my blog. How my "church friends" are so much more than that title "church friends!!!"
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